Our children need to be respected

“Championing the rights, welfare and development of Belizean families and children”

Belize City – September 27, 2019

The National Committee for Families and Children joins in the condemnation of the disturbing scene that played out Wednesday evening in Belize City involving a minor and several Police Officers. The manner in which the situation was handled resulted in the child being disrespected and demeaned publicly. 

The National Committee for Families and Children has invested in a series of training for security forces in order to sensitize on the rights of children, the requirements for special and differential treatment as covered by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with a view to establish protocols of operations that will protect and respect children’s rights.

We call on the leadership of the Belize Police Department to act swiftly on extending trainings for all officers in relation to children’s rights and their duties. We urge that all efforts are made to ensure that this does not happen again.